Goal Setting

Would you like to set some goals related to healthy eating, meal planning or eating as a family? Then consider writing them down, using our Goals Handout.

When you write down your goals, you have a better chance of achieving them.

Here’s an easy way to set goals and see if you’re meeting them. It’s called the SMART approach.


SMART stands for:





Time bound


As you write your goal(s), keep these questions in mind:
Specific What exactly are you going to do?

Be specific about what you want to accomplish.

Measurable Can you measure it?

Use a number (three times a week) or a date (by Friday) with your goal so you’ll know when you’ve accomplished it.

Attainable/Achievable Can you get it done?

Don’t make your goal too big or difficult.

Relevant Will this goal help me accomplish something good?

Think about goals that are important to you and will help you.

Time bound When will I accomplish this goal?

Put a date (by Friday) or timeline (by next month) on your goal. That will help you have a deadline for meeting it.


Sample Smart Goals

Here are some sample goals using the SMART approach:

  1. I will try a new vegetable each week for a month, starting (insert the date).
  2. I will be physically active for 10 minutes a day, every day this week.
  3. I will make a grocery list before going grocery shopping for three weeks in a row, starting (insert the date).

