Eat Smart, Live Strong - for Seniors
4 lessons
Ages 60+
Lesson length: 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on group needs
Looking for an encouraging and supportive group to help you live your best life? Our Eat Smart, Live Strong program teaches seniors how to make small changes proven to improve health, reduce stress, and increase physical fitness. Classes include trying heart-friendly, delicious recipes and learning new exercises you can do at home.

Lesson Topics:
- Reach Your Goals
- Challenges and Solutions
- Colorful and Classic Favorites
- Eat Smart, Spend Less
Eating Smart and Moving More - for Adults
6 lessons (plus 8 optional)
Ages 18-59
Lesson Length: 30 minutes – 1 hour
Enjoy our hands-on program and learn new skills that you can use at home every day – from planning, grocery shopping and cooking tips to simple solutions for healthy eating and physical activity. Prepare and sample delicious food during lessons, and take home healthy recipes.
Expecting and new mothers may also select additional lessons designed to address their wellness concerns during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Lesson Topics:
- MyPlate
- Fix it Safe
- Plan: Know What’s for Dinner
- Choosing to Move More Throughout the Day
- Shop: Get the Best for Less
- Shop for Value, Check the Facts
Optional Lessons:
- On the Run
- Fix it Fast
- Choosing a Healthier You for Life
- Choosing More Fruits and Vegetables
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Infants
- Children
Teen Cuisine - for Teens
6 lessons | Schools & After-School Programs
High School: Ages 14-18
Lesson length: 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on group needs
National curriculum meets Indiana academic standards.
Designed to equip teens with necessary life skills and the knowledge to make healthier choices, Teen Cuisine also features exciting hands-on cooking classes and pulse-rising exercise sessions.

Lesson Topics:
- Food Safety and Handling
- Food Preparation and Kitchen Skills
- Physical Activity
- Reducing Fat
- Reducing Sugar
- Screen Time
- Breakfast
- Bone Health
CATCH (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) - for Children
6 lessons | Schools & After-School Programs
3rd to 8th Grades: Ages 8-13
Lesson length: 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on group needs
National curriculum meets Indiana academic standards.
Get youth pumped about physical activity and healthy food choices with this highly creative and interactive, research-based curriculum.

Lesson Topics:
- Physical Activity
- Energy Balance
- Snack Preparation
- Beverages
- Fast Food
- Screen Time
- Breakfast
- Bone Health
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mira nuestro folleto para participantes en español (PDF)»