Success Stories
The Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program is making a difference in the lives of real people. Read below and learn how the program has helped Indiana residents.
The Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program is making a difference in the lives of real people. Read below and learn how the program has helped Indiana residents.
NEPA Diana Perez Pantoja goes to the Consulado de Mexico en Indianapolis to represent NEP every month. There, as a guest of the Mexican Consulate and Eskenazi Health, she shares tasty samples, gives wellness tips, and signs up participants for her classes.
At 83, Karen Sechrist (left) learned how to cook with NEP Advisor Brenda Moster. Her husband did all of the cooking before he passed, but after a few instructions from Brenda, she wanted to cook without any help.
When Community Wellness Coordinator Corrine Chatterton heard about Toyota Mobility Foundation's plan to pilot a contactless delivery service, she thought about those who could not get food because of a lack of transportation. That set in motion an experiment that proves technology can bridge that gap.
Struggling with health challenges and limited mobility, James Fraim turned to his insurance company's website for someone who would point them in the right direction. Little did he know his journey to wellness would take him just down the street to the Perry County Extension Office in Tell City.
Since 2019, 23 Wabash Valley families never celebrated their children's first birthday. But six area agencies have united to prevent infant mortality. It's NEP Community Wellness Coordinator Allison Finzel's vision to expand their efforts to reduce infant mortality rates statewide.
Residents in Greene County are redefining their destinies.
Thanks to a partnership between Community Wellness Coordinator Gabrielle Fritz, Greene County HHS Educator D'Lee Rush, Greene County Health Department, and the Owen Valley YMCA, participants are discovering new ways to improve their diets and add more movement to their day.
“It is very uplifting to see the encouragement from this group to form healthy habits,” Gabrielle said. “I love seeing people excited to get physically active.”
s proving to be a great example of public health agencies collaborating to enhance their community.
NEP Advisor Veronica Briles welcomes new young arrivals to the U.S. by helping them navigate American culture. For some of the Central and South American teenage students she works with in Huntington, that means teaching them how to use the food they receive.
With a bit of encouragement, NEPA Julie Miers' students are discovering the benefits of exercise.
Everyone, including NEP, loves a baby shower. So when COVID-19 threatened to ruin the Lawrence Co. Community Baby Shower, event organizers, CWC Annie Eakin, and NEPA J.J. Goldsberry nixed the traditional program for a party on the go!