In 2015 Hendricks County had a low WIC/Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program redemption rate. At only 35% there was a concern that many resource-limited families were going without fresh produce.
These partners came together to develop a program to double the vouchers at Farmers’ Markets to increase the buying power of WIC and senior clients to purchase fresh, local produce to supplement and enhance their diets and increase their food security.

- Hendricks County Senior Services
- Hendricks County Health Partnership
- Hendricks Regional Health
- Hendricks County Health Foundation
- IU West
- Hoosier Farmers Market Association
- Farmers Markets in Avon, Brownsburg and Plainfield
In the first season (2016), WIC Farmers Market Voucher redemption increased from 35-41%. The program will continue in 2017 with some modifications. The new program, Double Up Produce, will be run locally through the Danville Wellness Coalition. Double up vouchers will mimic WIC/Senior FMNP vouchers in the way they are redeemed by clients and cashed by vendors. With additional efforts, we anticipate an even great increase in redemption rates.